Degrassi Evolution Wiki
Gone Too Soon
Season 1, Episode 41-42
Air date March 22, 2014
Written by Degrassian4E
Directed by Degrassian4E
Episode guide
Cannonball (2)
Come As You Are (1)

Gone Too Soon is the forty first and forty second episode to the fall event Degrassi Evolutions: Moments and the hour-long season finale of Season 1.

Main Plot[]

Tori is enjoying her summer vacation and decides to have a best friend day with Maya and Tristan, but things go wrong.

Sub Plot[]

Cam and Aria are dating and it's been going good, but are they better as friends?

Third Plot[]

Dakota gets the shock of a lifetime.

Fourth Plot[]

Hayley gets a once in a lifetime summer internship of her dreams, but when she worries she can't get the article done by the deadline she seeks help from her friends, but still needs the help of the one person who can actually write about music; Zig; Can these two put their differences aside and work together? Or will their friendship be put to the test and their true feelings come out?

  • This episode is named after Gone Too Soon by Simple Plan.
  • This episode will air as an hour-long episode.
  • This is the season finale of Season 1.
  • Tori goes into early labor, and the baby dies.
  • Dakota finds out he was adopted at 10 months old.
  • This episode marks the end of Cam and Aria first relationship.
  • Aria thinks she may be lesbian or bisexual, due t her also having feelings for girls.
  • Zig and Hayley have their first kiss in this episode.

Regular Cast (Ordered Alphabetically)

Supporting Cast

