Degrassi Evolution Wiki
Are You Gonna Go My Way (2)
Season 2, Episode 20
Air date May 1, 2014
Written by Degrassian4E
Directed by Degrassian4E
Episode guide
Are You Gonna Go My Way (1)
Steal Your Heart

Are You Gonna Go My Way (2) is the twentieth episode as well as part 2 to the finale of the spring event Degrassi Evolutions: The Breaking Point of season 2.

Main Plot[]

Zac has to focus on saving the play and finding Dakota who's a-wall and it's all getting too much.

Sub Plot[]

Zig is finding it hard too focus on the play and help Hayley with Phil, but will she take things into her own hands?

Third Plot[]

On opening night for West Side Story, Dakota is nowhere to be found. Is it stage fright — or something worse?

Regular Cast (Ordered Alphabetically)

Supporting Cast

